Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A little Larson update!

This is a brief clip of what James is like in the tub. Crazy! He does not like his hair washed. He does not like to be expected to sit. I hope I was able to catch some of the chaos of tub time with James for you all. We have a lot of fun watching him. Actually washing his body could easily be compared to rolling with a piglet in the mud.

Yes, this is Shea. Shea is 7. 7 yr olds have lots of personality. 7 year olds talk a lot. Shea likes to tease me. I had enough of being teased and provoked. So, what did I do? The natural thing. I wiped James' baby food on her face. I had a blast doing it. Shea learned that when I say I am done playing, I mean it. Shea was very offended and sort of angry at me. However, she has responded to my "leave me alone now" remarks.

Food fights are a lot of fun!

I love this picture because it has my two favorite dudes. James did not have the patience to wait for me to take the picture. If you look close, he is saying "cheeeeeeeeeeese".

Shea and Hannah got to ride in a helicopter in January! It was so fun for them. They rode in a 4 seat helicopter at the local air show.

Adam and I were so excited to go skiing this year! We got to take a morning and go to Alta. Truly the best snow on earth. I had a huge decision to make. Do I bust out my 1970's relic skis that are totally awesome and get too much attention from other skiers? Or, do I blend in with a rented pair? Well, I decided to rent because I am not in shape and my old skis require their rider to be more fit than I am currently.

We had a great time!

This is our 2009 Christmas picture of the kids. We have a mini "memory tree" filled with lots of ornaments that remind us of our lives. We have a step ladder showing because James refused to dismount his new "toy".

I used to think "I can't wait for a real tree, or at least a tree that is taller than my 2 year old". This year, I realized that the size of the tree doesn't matter. In fact, we had a great Christmas with our little tree 5 years in a row. I am thankful to have it, thankful to store a smaller tree, thankful to not have to decide which corner of our house is unusable for the month. Our tree fits anywhere! This is our first Larson Christmas tree. I think it will be difficult to part with it ever! So, kids, be ready to be taller than the family Christmas tree for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. 4th picture down is my favorite! And yay for another post! Can't wait til you guys are back in UTAH!
