Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Family Portrait

This is our most recent family portrait! We love it!


  1. Love the pic and your blog update. I'm glad we will be able to keep up with you when you guys move:(

  2. Yea... look at all your new posts!! P.S. The family picture I took of you guys looks great.... ha, ha, ha!!

  3. Love Your Picture!! You are the cutest family in Rancho Cucamunga!!! Im getting so excited for your return to Utah!!!!!!!!

  4. I WANT A COPY OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hey I'm glad you're not private, then I can follow you on my reader. I can't believe how old Shea is and wow, James is no longer a baby. Do you think you will move back to Utah ever? Like to stay.
