Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prop 8!

Prop 8 campaigning was an amazing experience for many, especially me. I had the opportunity to serve the Yes on 8 cause with many members of the Terra Vista Ward. During my service I was able to make very good friends, many of whom I expect to be friends with for the rest of my life. I was able to see the immense good in people. I was able to identify and appreciate the dedication and sacrifices of Terra Vista sign holders. We stood out at intersections every day for over three weeks. (not on Sunday though). We had two shifts of sign holders for most days. Many people did double duty, holding signs both in the morning and evening.

We had many people honk for us because they liked our cause. We had many people honk for us because they thought we were cute. We had some flying objects thrown at us because people thought we were hateful and bigoted. Go figure, we the peaceful baby toting, time devoting, stay at home mothers, students, hard working husbands and volunteers.... were hateful. Oh the logic.

We had our large 10' banner ripped right out of our hands by a man who claimed "we were taking his rights away by standing and holding our sign". That was poor logic at best.

Unfortunately, I am finding that my "gay" tolerance has decreased because of the terrible harassment toward us as Christians and Latter Day Saints. There are a couple of people that I know who are homosexual, whom I have the greatest respect for. Those people would not have been among the violent, hateful, foul mouthed protesters.

To all of you that held signs and dedicated so much time, money and efforts to passing prop 8, Thank you. Thank you for your friendship, hard work, dedication and service. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you and most of all, thank you for your friendship.


  1. Kim, really -- you did an amazing job!! Though it was a lot of work, we had a great time :).

  2. I am in awe at all the work you did! And with your little guy in tow! You are great!
