Thursday, November 20, 2008

I have joined the "Blog" group

I have always thought the term "blog" sounded stupid. When I don't like the sound of a word, I usually avoid everything about the word. In this case, I avoided setting up a cool looking page with pictures for everyone who cares, to view. So, I still don't like the word or term "blog". However, I don't like Myspace, and facebook is not visually interesting to look at. My options are decreasing, thus I have ended up with a "blog". Another word I avoid and refuse to say is "winningest" It is a word...Google it! I can't think of a more ridiculous word. That sounds like a word a 2-year-old would use when excited about winning Chutes and Ladders three times in a row. There are a number of other words that I refuse to associate with but I will end the list there. I am smart enough to know that if you are reading this, you did not visit my blog to learn about my weird hang ups. You obviously visited my blog to view pictures of my beautiful children, handsome husband, and our good looking relatives!
I have heard that blogs are a great tool for keeping a journal. I keep a personal journal but have often found myself amazed at the number of misspelled words! I would hate for my posterity reading my journal after I am gone to think I was dim. I am simply a product of public education after "spell check" came around. So, I am committed to keeping a blog for my grand kids and great grand kids to think I am smart. ha.

I will begin with Halloween pictures from 2008. James was a bull and Shea was a ghost and witch. Shea was a ghost for Trunk or Treat and a witch for Trick or Treat.


  1. I'm glad you were able to overcome your dislike of the word "blog" and join us all! By the way, what does "Garden of Weeden" mean?

  2. Funny you ask. When I was about 8 years old we went to my aunt's house who has a lot of property. She does such a cute job making her home welcoming, however, the large sized property leaves little time to perfect the weed termination. So, rather than fight a losing battle of endless weeds, she just put up a sign that said "Garden of Weeden". That is the first time I remember laughing at "adult" humor. I have never forgotten it.
    As A mother I have realized the weeds in my life. Rather than fight them, just put up the sign! My life is the Garden of Weeden. We are happy and we choose our battles!:)

  3. Check you out! Serious? I thought you were waiting until spring time. lol. Well, I'm glad you are on board.. now let's keep this thing updated!!

  4. oh I just read the other comment. I love the garden of weeden explanation. You should put that as your blog description. It's great!

  5. Good for you, looking for something more permanent than a journal. Nothing is as permanent as a blog. . .

    Kinda like cassette tapes, VHS video, the new deal, prohibition. . .

  6. Thanks Richard....

  7. I am so glad that you started a blog. I have found it to be a great way to get to know everyone better. You have such a beautiful family!

  8. Wow! The picture of Shea as a witch is pretty good! I still laugh that you told her she had to be something "ugly" this year. :) Fun to see you tonight!

  9. The kids Halloween pictures are so cute. I'm glad Shea was darkly like Kennedy. And, hooray for your blog, I'm excited :)
